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JNCDS-DC Exam Objectives (Exam: JN0-1301):
Latest Update Juniper JNCDS-DC JN0-1301 Online Exam Practice Questions
A customer asks you if they should implement nonstop active routing (NSR) in some cases to replace graceful restart in
their data center. In this scenario, which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. NSR saves routing protocol information by running the routing protocol process (rpd) on the backup Routing Engine.
B. NSR is self-contained and does not rely on helper routers (or switches) to assist the routing platform in restoring
routing protocol information.
C. NSR accounts for large and small traffic flows to ensure coherent forwarding path selection during failover.
D. NSR delivers TCP/UDP stream status reducing control plane stress for other networking devices through
concatenated announcements from the routing protocol process (rpd)
Correct Answer: AB
You plan to deploy a set of SRX Series devices in an active/active chassis cluster with an active/active network
Which two statements are true in this scenario? (Choose two.)
A. This deployment scenario is recommended when firewall services are used extensively for east-west traffic.
B. End-host traffic is services through one SRX node during non-failure conditions.
C. This deployment scenario is recommended when firewall services are used extensively for north-south traffic.
D. End-host traffic is serviced through both SRX nodes during non-failure conditions.
Correct Answer: AD
Which statement is correct about a Junos Fusion Data Center fabric deployment?
A. Each aggregation device is managed separately.
B. Each satellite device is managed separately.
C. At satellite devices are managed and configured by an aggregation device.
D. All satellite and aggregation devices must be running the same version of Junos OS.
Correct Answer: C
What are two requirements for a VXLAN tunnel endpoint (VTEP)? (Choose two.)
A. TCP session tracking
B. MAC address learning
C. IGMP filtering
D. IP address learning of interested VTEPs
Correct Answer: BD
A large multinational corporation wants to implement SDN for rapid deployment of application environments.
You are asked to define SDN service chaining for a presentation to execute management.
In this scenario, which statement would satisfy the requirement?
A. Integrated software is used to insert a software widget into the flow of network traffic.
B. Stacked hardware is used to insert a software widget into the flow of network traffic.
C. Software is used to virtually insert services into the flow of network traffic.
D. Hardware is used to virtually insert services into the flow of network traffic.
Correct Answer: C
Your company is deploying a private cloud based on OpenStack and has selected Contrail Networking as its SDN
controller. Which two statements are true in this scenario? (Choose two.)
A. Underlay tunnels are established between virtualized and bare-metal servers.
B. MPLS over UDP tunnels are supported.
C. Overlay tunnels are established between virtualized and bare-metal servers.
D. MPLS over GRE tunnels are supported.
Correct Answer: CD
You are seeking a server-virtualization security solution that is lightweight and will protect virtual machines from a
variety of threats.
Which platform should you choose in this scenario?
B. vRR
Correct Answer: A
Your data center uses an Ethernet fabric solution for the infrastructure switches.
You must design a redundancy solution that addresses how the servers connect to the members of the Ethernet fabric.
Which two statements are true in this scenario? (Choose two.)
A. It is necessary to use MC-LAG.
B. You should connect each server to one member with a two-interface LAG.
C. You should connect each server to two different members.
D. It is not necessary to use MC-LAG.
Correct Answer: CD
What are two industry-standard high availability features used in data centers? (Choose two.)
B. separation of control and forwarding planes
C. graceful restart
D. Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
Correct Answer: BD
When considering data center security, which component is often seen as unimportant but is really the first line of
A. guest access
B. native VLAN configuration
D. physical security
Correct Answer: A
From a network management perspective, a Virtual Chassis consisting of five physical switches will appear as how
many devices?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 5
Correct Answer: B
You are designing a Control-based SDN overlay network. IP filtering and tenant separation for Layer 3 and Layer 4
traffic is required for this installation.
In this scenario, which Contrail component performs this function?
A. vSwitch
B. control node
C. vRouter
D. compute node
Correct Answer: C
Your SAN team must transmit FC between multiple locations in a data center. To keep the cost of the project to a
minimum, your management decides that using FCoE would be the most cost-effective approach.
In this scenario, which architecture will support FCoE losslessly?
A. Layer 3 Clos
B. Virtual Chassis
C. Virtual Chassis Fabric
D. VXLAN overlay
Correct Answer: C
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